Teeth Whitening - Bleaching

Teeth Whitening - Bleaching

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth Whitening, is a cosmetic dentistry treatment that aims to remove tooth stains and make teeth whiter and brighter. The current popularity of aesthetics has made this dental procedure one of the most requested in recent years.

It is particularly important that dentists are trained in the use of bleaching agents by following the appropriate protocol for diagnosis, procedure planning, and maintenance of results.

Therefore, it is vital that the professional knows both the indications and contraindications of teeth whitening techniques in depth and communicates them to the patient.

How Is Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Performed?

After the people are prepared for the intervention, the sensitive areas of the mouth are closed to prevent any damage.

After seeing a special place on the works by the specialist doctor, whitening intervention is performed with the help of beams.

On the other hand, the society should perceive this treatment as a medical procedure that should be performed under the supervision of a dentist and only in the dental clinic.

The causes of darkening of the teeth, poor oral hygiene and consumption of certain products can cause changes in the stains on the teeth.

What are Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Methods?

There are two types of teeth whitening methods. These are performed as office type teeth whitening and home type teeth whitening .

Intrinsic or endogenous stains are stains that affect teeth in the formation stage before eruption in the oral cavity, resulting from the consumption of certain drugs such as tetracyclines due to enamel hypoplasia, vitamin deficiency or fluorosis.

In addition, stains that appear after the eruption of teeth, which acquire a darker color due to impacts, fractures or aging of the teeth over time, are also classified in this group.

Are There Any Side Effects of Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Procedure?

It has no side effects. The classification of teeth whitening varies according to the tooth to which the procedure is applied.

Teeth whitening done in the dental office. It is performed in the dental clinic by applying a bleaching agent based on 35% hydrogen peroxide, which can be activated by a light source.

Adequate prophylaxis should be done beforehand and it should be checked whether the oral cavity is healthy. After this stage, the area to be treated is isolated to prevent the bleach from coming into contact with the periodontal tissues, and then bleach is added.

What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)?

Teeth whitening has no side effects. It is a very effective method since the high concentration of whitening is done under the control of the dentist.

Outpatient whitening under the supervision of a dentist. In this type of bleaching, the concentration of carbamine peroxide is 10%. This method is carried out in the patient's home in accordance with the instructions of the dentist.

As with previous whitening procedures, prophylaxis and oral examination should be performed prior to treatment. A fixed splint is applied to the patient to be bleached to prevent possible contact with periodontal tissues.

Why is Teeth Whitening Needed?

People with yellowing teeth can perform teeth whitening. Opaque teeth whitening The cause of discoloration in lifeless teeth is usually the presence of blood or bacterial products in the canals (pulpal necrosis).

This type of bleaching is done in the dental office and consists of removing all whitening agents and existing necrotic tissue from the pulp chamber of endodontic teeth.

There are two methods for whitening lifeless teeth.

Emergency technique. It consists of activating a mixture of sodium perborate and 35% hydrogen peroxide with a hot tool.

What is done before teeth whitening?

Necessary procedures for the mouth are performed by the doctor.

According to current legislation, whitening products containing more than 0.3% carbamide peroxide or more than 0.1% hydrogen peroxide concentration can only be dispensed by dentists.

Teeth whitening without medical supervision carries serious health risks.

Currently, European Directive 76/768/ECC considers bleaching products with hydrogen peroxide concentrations between 0.1% and 6% as harmless cosmetic products, so they can be purchased free of charge without medical supervision. However, it can have side effects on health.

Does Sensitivity Occur After Teeth Bleaching?

A sensitivity may be observed after the procedure. But this does not cause long-term discomfort.

Products with a hydrogen peroxide concentration of less than 0.1% are harmless to health, so their free distribution does not pose any risk, although their effectiveness is almost zero.

The General Assembly of Dentists recommends that patients seek information from organizations about the type of active bleach and the concentration of the products they purchase, and consult with the General Directorate of Health Products or the Professional Association of Dentists.

In addition, teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that improves the appearance of teeth and makes them whiter.

Does Bleaching Damage Tooth Structure?

No it won't. Good teeth whitening should always be done by dentists. The procedures used are stronger and more controlled than the typical whitening kits usually sold in pharmacies.

Putting yourself in the hands of a dentist ensures the results are effective with a teeth whitening treatment that has no contraindications for the patient.

In addition, teeth whitening is a technique with which we can whiten teeth, achieve a whiter smile and permanent results.

How Teeth Lose Their Whiteness (Bleaching)?

Yellowing of the teeth can be caused by foods eaten over time or by harmful substances used such as cigarettes.

It is common for teeth to darken over time and take on a more yellowish color. However, there are some foods and beverages that accelerate this darkening of the tooth due to their high coloring power.

This is the case with tea, coffee, wine, or foods like curry and soy sauce. Soft drinks and sugary drinks, candies, vinegar, etc. It also affects the tone of the teeth.

Is Teeth Whitening Painful?

No, it is not. Care after teeth whitening is important to be careful as the tooth is most permeable 72 hours after the phototherapy stage.

Therefore, it is recommended to follow the “white diet” with foods and beverages with little pigmentation or strong colors. This includes tea, wine, chocolate, strawberry, coffee, soy, etc. are included.

After 72 hours, there is no need for special care after teeth whitening and you can lead a normal life. Results are stable over the long term but not immutable.

How Long Does Teeth Whiteness Last?

After the procedure, the teeth usually retain their whiteness between 6 months and 2 years, depending on the person. Sensitive teeth whitening is not done according to the person and the appearance of the teeth.

The truth is that teeth whitening is a non-invasive treatment that whitens teeth by applying a whitening product in a general way without going into the details of the techniques. It significantly improves our smile and aesthetics.

Why is Teeth Whitening Needed?

Teeth need whitening because they turn yellow over time. Thin ceramic plates are produced in the desired color and placed on the tooth, and their color does not change because they are not porous.

It is a more invasive treatment than normal teeth whitening because in most cases it will be necessary to replace the original teeth, albeit minimally, to significantly restore the color of the teeth.

But the general rule is to choose ceramic veneers when you want to correct changes in shape or size as well as the color of your teeth.

How Long Is Laser Teeth Whitening?

After the procedure, the whiteness of my teeth is valid for 2 years. What is teeth whitening and how to whiten teeth is the most frequently asked question and the duration of treatment varies according to each case and person.

The whitening system is the safest, most effective and fastest system. In just one session, the patient will notice how their teeth have whitened.

But even after years of teeth whitening, the level of tone will always be better if such treatment was not carried out.

Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness?

Harmful substances and foods used over time can cause teeth to turn yellow. There is no definite time. The time between professional teeth whitening and the next teeth whitening varies from person to person.

Therefore, it is always better to be under the supervision of a dentist and the person who recommends that you have a second teeth whitening done by a professional.

We recommend annual assessments for this. This way the dentist will be able to see the progress of the treatment and advise you on the best options for continuing to keep your teeth white.

Is There an Age Limit for Teeth Whitening?

All individuals who have completed the age of 18 can perform teeth whitening.

Advantages of teeth whitening, whiter smile and aesthetic improvement; A careful smile will enhance every person's characteristics and a white smile will be one of the best introduction letters.

That's why maintaining white and healthy teeth is one of the biggest benefits of teeth whitening.

Increased self-esteem: Seeing yourself with a whiter and flatter smile boosts self-esteem and we feel better.

What Should Be Done to Whiten Yellowing Teeth?

The most appropriate and useful treatment is to consult your doctor. Teeth whitening is a painless treatment that does not require anesthesia and therefore does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Contrary to what many people think, teeth whitening does not harm the teeth and, of course, does not cause tooth sensitivity.

Teeth whitening is not incompatible with other dental aesthetic treatments. Thus, when the scheduled sessions are over, you can continue to care for your teeth.

Does Brushing Teeth Whiten?

No, it does not whiten. Teeth whitening contraindications, we can be sure that teeth whitening is a safe treatment and does not bring negative consequences.

So once you do this, there will be no physical or cosmetic consequences.

What is the Success Rate in the Whitening Process?

Success rates are very high. Teeth whitening is a treatment that the patient will not feel pain and discomfort.

Whitening does not damage the enamel and the results do not disappear after a few months, so do not worry because although it is not a definitive cure, it is long lasting.

And finally, we can assure you that teeth whitening does not increase the sensitivity of teeth. What can happen is that the patient experiences some sensitivity during treatment. But it's a momentary thing that eventually disappears.

Can Anyone Have Teeth Whitening?

Yes, it can. Types of teeth whitening, you should know that there are different types for those who are wondering which is the best teeth whitening.

To select the best teeth whitening for each case, our experts will evaluate the condition of the tooth, its color and the exact treatment to be performed.

Teeth whitening by photoactivation; This technique, which is fast, effective and simple among teeth whitening types, gives great results.

The teeth whitening system is one of the most innovative treatments with shorter lasting results. Both light and gel work together to gently penetrate teeth, dissolve stains and brighten teeth.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe Or Does It Damage Teeth?

There is no harm. Teeth whitening with a splint at home is the most comfortable and quick treatment. For 15 or 30 days, a few hours a day, individual splints are placed and a gel that will affect the teeth is applied to the patient.

Another type of teeth whitening is internal whitening. It is used in lifeless teeth or teeth that have been darkened with endodontics, and for this, the inside of the tooth must be whitened.

To do this, we introduce a whitening agent into the crown of the tooth. This is left for a week and if another session is required according to the results obtained, it is evaluated again for a week.

Do Teeth Whiten at the Same Rate for Everyone?

Rates vary from person to person. Combined Whitening, combined or mixed whitening treatment is a treatment that combines both in-clinic lamp and at-home whitening.

The first stage is done from home. In order for the patient to get the best result, the whitening gel should be applied in special trays within the time specified by the dentist. This stage usually lasts between 15-30 days.

In the second stage, teeth whitening is performed in the dental office with a cold LED light lamp. In a single appointment, we will conduct 3 to 4 study sessions of 10 minutes each.

What are the Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?

The risks of teeth whitening, besides knowing what teeth whitening is, we should also know that this treatment is not without risks. Teeth whitening is a treatment that carries some risks, despite generally satisfactory results.

Potential risks of teeth whitening include cervical resorption, gum tenderness, and post-operative tooth sensitivity.

To potentially reduce adverse effects, it is necessary to comply with the necessary biological safety precautions, using appropriate concentrations according to each technique and monitoring appropriate exposure times.

How Long Does the Effect of Whitening Last?

It takes up to 2 years. Besides; There are many factors that affect the price of teeth whitening, but the important thing is that you choose a professional and reliable clinic.

Teeth Whitening Centers

Teeth whitening can be done by anyone with darkening or yellowing of their teeth. It is important that you go to private dental clinics, such as dental clinics, so that a specialist can examine the case and find the best solution for the treatment in question.

Generally, it should be checked whether there is any other pathology in the mouth before teeth whitening is performed.

Regarding age, it is generally thought that whitening can be done after puberty. However, there are always special cases that require teeth whitening before that age.

Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)

People who perform the teeth whitening process mostly leave satisfied with the operation. Before starting to whiten the patient's teeth, the patient's mouth is thoroughly cleaned and how the teeth whitening takes place is explained.

Next, it will be necessary to initially determine the color of the teeth and the cause of their current appearance. In this way, the type of whitening to be done and the expected results can be determined.

The most important thing is that the treatment is carried out by professionals who are experts in this technique, in a center that offers all the guarantees and confidence that the patient needs.

Teeth Whitening (Bleaching) Prices 2022

You can consult your doctor for price information. While it's always important to look at each case now that you know how to whiten teeth, you can get an idea of ??how white all the pieces are when you do this.

As a general rule, all teeth are whitened. However, if there is a part that is much more yellowish than the others, the treatment can be a little more focused to match the rest of the color. In this way, we ensure that the tone of all teeth is uniform. You can contact us immediately to get information about Teeth Whitening Prices 2022.